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History Seminar: Uponita Mukherjee



Maginnes Hall, room 342

Uponita Mukherjee Fordham University will present her work "Two Histories of Detective Policing: Crime, Prosecution and Investigation in the nineteenth-century English-speaking world". She is a historian of modern South Asia. She studies the interactions between legal history, history of criminal justice and law enforcement; and histories of science, medicine, technology with a special focus on their imbrication with the ideologies and practices of colonial rule. She is currently working on a book that examines ideas of legal evidence through the lens of criminal detection in nineteenth-century British India. 

Owain Lawson, Assistant Professor, Lehigh University will be the discussant for this seminar. History Department Seminar sessions feature a pre-circulated paper, brief contextual remarks by the presenter, a faculty comment, and moderated Q&A for the remainder of the time available.  Participants must have read the paper to attend the seminar. 

This seminar is open to Graduate Students and Faculty ONLY. If you would like to request a copy of the paper, please contact Ellen Lewis.


Uponita Mukherjee -Fordham University